End Reflection

This is my happy its all ending soon face!

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Reflecting on Final Major 

I am really happy with how my final major project has panned out, it is a lot different to how i set out but happy accidents along the way have shaped it. A chance find in Perrys art store for new paper brought to me find the coolest ghost  fabric i have ever seen and its so perfect for my project. The images are a lot more free than i would normally draw. I have let my instincts guide me in how the final images should look and not worry to much about how “busy” or “not busy” the images look. i am excited to how it will look in degree show and how they will convey the physical and metaphysical spirit world to everyone.

This project has got me confident in so many ways with so many different processes.Before this project i was really unconfident with photoshop and using it as well as being left to my own devises with the laser cutter. Now i am confident in both and really happy about this.

I feel i could have worked the Athena image better as i feel it lets the collection of images down a bit. It is the one i spent the least amount of time on and personally i couldn’t connect with this image. I dont like to dwell to much on it as i was on a tight time scale and i have got all my images on time and ready and had fun creating all the images even though the Athena one was a challenge.

A possible outcome from this project is to carry on and try layering different colours for each image. I have used only one colour but it would be great to try different shades of each colour and layer to see the effect and to take it up one step further.

I also want to keep making prints from the laser cuts and try printing on different papers and textures. The joy of a laser cut is that like lino its durable and you can reprint and repeat your images for ages.

Where do i see myself at the end of the Year?

Wow what a hard question but one that needs to be tackled head on. I have a hope and dream that only a young person can be stupid enough to have. By the end of the year i want to be hosting  lino printing workshops to people from all over , hopefully living in Brighton or Bristol the artistic hubs of england ( and cheaper than london! i still got student loan to pay so need to budget my living!). I also hope to by the end of the year be hosting Pop up galleries in empty shops and then hopefully working my way to my ultimate dream of an Art Cafe.

A girl can dream and i may be small but I’ve got big dreams. If you see me next year on the checkout of a supermarket just pop by and remind me of this post!

Thats all for now and hope you enjoyed my blog and my project

..Is it the end?


Curriculum Vitae

For this blog we need to submit a CV i have made two versions and can’t choose between the two but i do think i am leaning towards the mandala version as it shows my work off better.

cv 2 cv

I created these on photoshop by scanning in my work and paint splats from a scrap piece of paper.

Vesta Final Image

Here is my Vesta Final image ready for laser cutting the image will be printed in Red as i wanted the fury of the lion to be evident and red is Vesta’s symbolic colour.

IMG_2757 IMG_2760 IMG_2761 vesta scan for lasercut

Vesta Meaning

Vesta Goddess: She is hidden because is the goddess of fire and rarely illustrated as an actual person i wanted her features to come out so i hid her amount flames but still being able to see her.She is the goddess of Virginity and Chastity and being pure.

Lion Head: The sacred animal of Vesta is the lion and so i depicted the sacred animal as a headers for her to be covered more and as protection. The lion represents protection and protecting virginity and her sanctity.

6 women: These are the 6 virgins that protect the fire as Vesta’s fire need never go out. The 6 virgins protect and are also held to being virgins for 30 years.

The scales: These represent Libra in the zodiac which is Vesta’s zodiac symbol as well as the balancing act of giving in to  sexual desires or staying true to being virginial.

Keys and Padlock: The keys and padlock represent the unlocking of the chastity belt and the unlocking of sexual desire.

Water lilly: The water lilly is a sacred plant of Vesta and it again is a symbol of purity.

I will be printing this in Red ink and on the same ghost paper hopefully it will all go well and no hiccups.

Juno Final Design

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Juno Design explained

Peacock: The Peacock is Juno’s sacred animal it represents her beauty as she is deemed the most beautiful of the goddesses. I wanted to add this in as i have added animals in the others and its a nice theme to keep to and having a goddess without her sacred animal is not representing them well.

Moon/Moon Phases/Night sky : Juno is goddess to the Moon and  she is known for this i represented her in the night sky about to embrace the moon as she is also goddess of love,fertility and marriage so her love is to the moon.

The two Suns: These represent the sanctity in marriage and two people lighting up each others world and shining bright.

Fig Tree: The fig tree is Juno’s symbolic plant and also figs are known for there beauty and feminine shape they are very lustrous  and sexual and this represents the love and marriage of two people.

Henna hands and lotus flower: The henna on the hands  represent how in hindi marriages the womans hands get covered in beautiful henna and as juno is the beautiful goddess of marriage and love i thought this was fitting. The lotus is a flower of beauty hope and love. Having two of each represents a marriage of partners.

i love this image as i feel i spent more time on it than the Athena one and it shows with the detail. You will have to see the finished article later as i have not printed it yet but it will be blue and printed on the same ghost paper.

Below is the laser cut of these images all ready for printing next week!

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Jonny Tutorial

Had a tutorial today to tell johnny about my degree show requirements and he agreed that hanging them all together with the physical form below is perfect. I said that i was on track with my images and just needed to print the last two. Jonny suggested  that now as my project is near the end to concentrate on what i can do with my laser cuts and print on other types of paper to sell at the degree show. I can make more of the little images i did before such as below




Alongside the FMP we had to create a new piece of work for our newspaper catalogue for the degree show. The theme was hullaballoo and we had to create an image to depict this. I wanted to show my style but with fmp in the way i couldn’t do any laser cutting or printing  i didn’t have time to do that. I instead decided to paint and then edit in photoshop.

The theme i went down was a busy indian festival a big indian hullaballoo! below is my hand drawn image and then using paint as a background i combined the two in photoshop.Scan 141270001

Scan 141270004

kates hullabaloo small-001 kates hullabaloo small-002

kates hullabaloo small

Tutorial With Pete LLoyd

Today i had a Tutorial with Pete LLoyd to see where i am in the project and i wanted to discuss how to show my work at the degree show. Pete liked my 2 final designs and sympathised with me about being behind with the laser cutting but said not to worry. Pete said just as long as i know what I’m doing and i have my designs ready it will be fine.

With regards to how i want to display them he agreed with louise in that the images can create a wall and be hung up with bulldog clips. Pete then suggested having the physical laser cut below the corresponding print below on the floor raised up a little with wood. I like this idea as it gives a sense of the physical form is grounded and then the ethereal goddess (ghost) is above. This really goes with the whole mantra of my project eluding to the higher deities and how we are the physical form.

Now i must just get my next two laser cut and done!

Pick Me up

Had a little excursion to Pick me up Festival at Somerset house which was lots of fun! i got some great ideas of how to show my work as someone there had done some woodcuts and laser cuts and displayed them in a case as a table. This is a really cool idea. I know i want to display my physical laser cuts but not sure how will. Looking at a few things at Pick me up has given me some inspiration. Below are some pictures from Pick me up of items i liked and the laser cuts and wood cuts.

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Back After Easter

Back after Easter and surprise surprise the laser cut sheet got put up and graphics seem to of pre booked slots even though i was told i wasn’t aloud to do this so therefore there is no laser cutting time left. Now i am 3 weeks behind and really not happy about it i was hoping to of got all my images printed now. I have asked Matt in the print room for a definitive time of when the sheet will be put up and i will be sat outside the workshop room door waiting for it!

I have printed my first two and got 2 to go i have also finished the designs to these and will post them up later.


This week we had a work in progress meeting to see where we are at in our projects i had Louise as my tutor . She discussed with me how to show my designs as they are fragile and said that hanging them would be a great idea and maybe they can be hung in a row with clear wire. I said i would run this by Pete and see what he thought on the idea. I like the idea of hanging them in a row this sounds good almost like creating a wall. A wall of higher deities.

Easter Disaster

Easter disaster is that the laser cut sheet got put up a day early than i was told therefore when i got to it in the third week there was no space to laser cut.

This means i am a week behind schedule and I’m not happy about it. i won’t waste this week though i will crack on with my designs and keep chugging along i will also work on this blog while i am at home for the last week of easter.


This is how i feel right now like an big implosion!

I am a bit angry as when i come back to uni after easter it will be a mad fight for the laser cutter.