Self Promotion Launch

Today we had our self promotion launch this is a 2 week project to produce self promotional artwork to send out to art directors and magazines of our choice. We must produce a set of 10 postcards, small booklets and mini posters ect which will be sent to the potential clients.

These must be completed by March 10th at the latest.

On March 13th Art director Brian Grimwood is coming down to the studios to critique our self promotion efforts along with Johnny Hannah. This is an exciting opportunity but also quite a daunting one as i will be in Paris from March 2nd till the 6th of March so my time spent on this project is even more limited. Having this limitation will help me with the pressures of the day to day working of an illustrator who usually has lots of projects to juggle at once.

Below are images i have sourced from Pinterest of self promotion ideas i would possibly like to try out. Maybe a booklet and postcard and fold out poster? i shall think about this and my next blog post will feature my final ideas and how i am going to achieve creating them.



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