Work In Progress With Pete Lloyd

I had a tutorial with Pete Lloyd to discuss what i plan on doing for my Final Major Project. We had a brief discussion about what the theme of my project was about and i explained about the “Goddess Movement” and how i will be researching and using signs and symbols and religious patterns within my initial designs. I also explained how my aim is to try out the laser cut machine and progress my lino work onto A2/A3 laser cut wooden panels and have about 4 big Goddess designs on them with possible smaller editions.

 Pete liked this idea and said i need to write this all up on a project proposal and how i will achieve my plans week by week. Pete also gave me an artists to look up called Lee Wagstaff. His body is tattooed with religious symbols and is a mash up of many religions and the patterns have a deep meaning.



Above is Lee Wagstaff and some of his controversial tattoo’s. Upon looking up Lee Wagstaff i found a video of how he creates some of his artwork ( which includes geometric patterns which i am also researching). Lee uses a new technique that i have never tried before called No ink Screenprinting. This technique intrigues me and i will be popping to the print studio at my University and asking about this and see if it can be done and if so i would really like to experiment and try. My next blog post shows the video and how Lee creates artwork from the No Ink Screenprinting.

Inspiration and Research

This blog post is about artists that influence me and area that i will be researching in aid of my “Goddess” project. Below are names, images and websites of artists who i am researching and taking inspiration from different aspects of their artwork. I have picked these specific artists to research because each artist’s work inspires me in a different way. Under each artists name and picture of the work i have explained what has drawn me to their work.

Artists Research

Emily Balivet


The fluid shapes and use of multiple colours really engages my mind and i love this particular piece for it’s ethereal feeling.

Miss Pybis


I have been a huge fan of Miss Pybis for over 2 years now and i envy her fine attention to detail in her pen drawings. This piece is particularly effective with great white and black space surrounding the overall drawing.

Alphonse Mucha


A firm favourite Alphonse uses sultry women to convey his sumptuous artworks. I admire the use of tone and colour and may experiment with colour in this way with this project.

James R. Eads


The striking inked Tarot cards really catch my eye and this how i usually work with lines and curves.Again i like the ratio of black and white in these drawings, it creates a very dramatic feel to the artworks.

Errol Le Cain

EPSON scanner image

The exotic tones and shapes resonate through this piece and a great depth is achieved in this particular piece. I aim to use strong colour as experiments and will be looking at an indian inspired colour palette as a starting point.

Phoebe Anna Traquair

Phoebe Anna Traquair - Tutt'Art@ (18)

These pieces are detailed but at the same time not overly neat, there is free flowing energy through them which i aim to encapsulate in my future artworks.

Gustav Klimt


The careful gold leaf decoration is beautiful yet applied with great care and attention. little adornments like this can make a piece of artwork jump to a higher level.

Julie Liger-Belair


One of the only 3D pieces that i have found to like. I like miniature things and this ticks all the boxes for me as its little and detailed with some vintage feel to it.

Yellena James

I work heavily with patterns and geometric shapes so again this piece attracted me with the fluid patterns and flower shapes. I like the mash up of colour and ink as it gives a great edge to this drawing.

My Research topics are stated below

Global world culture





Esoteric symbolism

Hindu Religion

A History of European Folklore

Celtic Folklore

South American Folklore

Ancient Greek and Egyptian Dieties 

I will spend the next few weeks researching these areas by gathering books and visiting galleries and places of interest such as Spiritual bookshops and gathering as much information as possible to get my creative juices flowing!. I will post a full list of places and books In the next blog post.

Fast Response! Sketchbook drawings

These are my first initial responses to the word “Goddess” in my sketchbook . I am using fine liners and ink pens as these are great for quick immediate drawings, i am also using a small a5 sketchpad. I prefer to work small to begin with and then progress onto bigger and better developments, also working in a5 means the sketchbook is easy and portable! . This enables me to draw immediately when an idea spring to mind or to quickly sketch in some reportage work. So far i am pleased with how my initial work is progressing and already feel i have lots of ideas that i can work into further and explore in more depth.

I like to use black and white colour when beginning a project and throwing ideas from my head onto paper. This process of using black pens first enables me to plan out images easily and then decide later on where colour should go. I have always worked in this way and feel it serves my work well to work in this way.







Below are images that i found while googling the word “Goddess” and cherry picking images that inspired me to create




When brainstorming the word Goddess and quickly drawing out images that came to my head there was this ongoing repetition of pattern and Mandala like backgrounds accompanying the drawings. The though process behind this was my interest in Indian and Greek Goddess’s and the patterns i have seen when researching these Goddess’s before. These patterns have stuck in my head and followed into my brainstorming work.

My next post will be about the artists that inspire this project and who i will look at, also different areas to research and explore through the coming weeks.

The Big Reveal! Final Major Project!

“I’m your Venus I’m your fire your desire”

Incase you haven’t all guessed it already the big reveal is indeed ” The Goddess Movement”


Above is the emblem for the Neo-Pagan “Goddess Movement”. This was my first source of visual inspiration as i usually work in strong black and white pen and ink work so this image was striking to me because of its similarities with my own work as shown below, this was one of my negotiated study Lino strong black and white Lino cuts.


Above is a lino printed black and white artwork of mine

My Final major project will concentrate on Goddess’s and all that encompasses them. I have named my project “The Goddess Movement” after the second wave , feminist led , religious belief determining a more Feminist view upon worshipping a higher knowledge. Believers of the Goddess movement honour what they refer to as “the Goddess”, which is not necessarily seen as monotheistic, but is often understood to be an inclusive, encompassing term incorporating many goddesses in many different cultures.

This project will take me to around 17 weeks , I do not have a final image as to where this project will take me. I do however have a line of research to start with and have already starting doodling in my sketchbook to drum up some creative quick responses to my research. My next post will feature my pen and ink drawings from within my sketchbook , these were results from responding to the word “Goddess” and letting my creative side out when responding to just one simple word.