Vesta Final Image

Here is my Vesta Final image ready for laser cutting the image will be printed in Red as i wanted the fury of the lion to be evident and red is Vesta’s symbolic colour.

IMG_2757 IMG_2760 IMG_2761 vesta scan for lasercut

Vesta Meaning

Vesta Goddess: She is hidden because is the goddess of fire and rarely illustrated as an actual person i wanted her features to come out so i hid her amount flames but still being able to see her.She is the goddess of Virginity and Chastity and being pure.

Lion Head: The sacred animal of Vesta is the lion and so i depicted the sacred animal as a headers for her to be covered more and as protection. The lion represents protection and protecting virginity and her sanctity.

6 women: These are the 6 virgins that protect the fire as Vesta’s fire need never go out. The 6 virgins protect and are also held to being virgins for 30 years.

The scales: These represent Libra in the zodiac which is Vesta’s zodiac symbol as well as the balancing act of giving in to  sexual desires or staying true to being virginial.

Keys and Padlock: The keys and padlock represent the unlocking of the chastity belt and the unlocking of sexual desire.

Water lilly: The water lilly is a sacred plant of Vesta and it again is a symbol of purity.

I will be printing this in Red ink and on the same ghost paper hopefully it will all go well and no hiccups.

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