Juno Final Design

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Juno Design explained

Peacock: The Peacock is Juno’s sacred animal it represents her beauty as she is deemed the most beautiful of the goddesses. I wanted to add this in as i have added animals in the others and its a nice theme to keep to and having a goddess without her sacred animal is not representing them well.

Moon/Moon Phases/Night sky : Juno is goddess to the Moon and  she is known for this i represented her in the night sky about to embrace the moon as she is also goddess of love,fertility and marriage so her love is to the moon.

The two Suns: These represent the sanctity in marriage and two people lighting up each others world and shining bright.

Fig Tree: The fig tree is Juno’s symbolic plant and also figs are known for there beauty and feminine shape they are very lustrous  and sexual and this represents the love and marriage of two people.

Henna hands and lotus flower: The henna on the hands  represent how in hindi marriages the womans hands get covered in beautiful henna and as juno is the beautiful goddess of marriage and love i thought this was fitting. The lotus is a flower of beauty hope and love. Having two of each represents a marriage of partners.

i love this image as i feel i spent more time on it than the Athena one and it shows with the detail. You will have to see the finished article later as i have not printed it yet but it will be blue and printed on the same ghost paper.

Below is the laser cut of these images all ready for printing next week!

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