End Reflection

This is my happy its all ending soon face!

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Reflecting on Final Major 

I am really happy with how my final major project has panned out, it is a lot different to how i set out but happy accidents along the way have shaped it. A chance find in Perrys art store for new paper brought to me find the coolest ghost  fabric i have ever seen and its so perfect for my project. The images are a lot more free than i would normally draw. I have let my instincts guide me in how the final images should look and not worry to much about how “busy” or “not busy” the images look. i am excited to how it will look in degree show and how they will convey the physical and metaphysical spirit world to everyone.

This project has got me confident in so many ways with so many different processes.Before this project i was really unconfident with photoshop and using it as well as being left to my own devises with the laser cutter. Now i am confident in both and really happy about this.

I feel i could have worked the Athena image better as i feel it lets the collection of images down a bit. It is the one i spent the least amount of time on and personally i couldn’t connect with this image. I dont like to dwell to much on it as i was on a tight time scale and i have got all my images on time and ready and had fun creating all the images even though the Athena one was a challenge.

A possible outcome from this project is to carry on and try layering different colours for each image. I have used only one colour but it would be great to try different shades of each colour and layer to see the effect and to take it up one step further.

I also want to keep making prints from the laser cuts and try printing on different papers and textures. The joy of a laser cut is that like lino its durable and you can reprint and repeat your images for ages.

Where do i see myself at the end of the Year?

Wow what a hard question but one that needs to be tackled head on. I have a hope and dream that only a young person can be stupid enough to have. By the end of the year i want to be hosting  lino printing workshops to people from all over , hopefully living in Brighton or Bristol the artistic hubs of england ( and cheaper than london! i still got student loan to pay so need to budget my living!). I also hope to by the end of the year be hosting Pop up galleries in empty shops and then hopefully working my way to my ultimate dream of an Art Cafe.

A girl can dream and i may be small but I’ve got big dreams. If you see me next year on the checkout of a supermarket just pop by and remind me of this post!

Thats all for now and hope you enjoyed my blog and my project

..Is it the end?


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