Work In Progress

Today we had the work in progress group meeting with johnny Hannah to get some feedback on the work we have completed in the first few weeks of the Final major project. I explained my Goddess idea to johnny as he had not heard much about it and was pleased that i had already got stuck in with lino printing and testing out ideas and layouts.

Johnny commented on how i need to take my project down a more focussed route now and experimenting and getting stuck in with lino printing first was great but now i need to concentrate on my research and planning out what to do next.

Having gone full steam ahead with my project at the start i have now stepped back and decided to take my time and really figure out what it is i need to research and what 4 goddesses i want to focus all my energy on.

My To Do List

  • Research and decide what 4 Goddesses to pick to illustrate
  • Test out ideas with lino cut and maybe try 3 colour linocut
  • Keep on gathering research to aid final images
  • Start testing with the laser cut machine
  • Test prints with laser cut images


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