Development Work

Reading through my book on Gods and Goddess’s i am trying to search out and find 4 goddess’s that are connected in some way and have lots of symbolism attached to them. I want them to be complex but also easily understandable to the viewer. I want these Goddess’s to represent strength and for each goddess to have a story behind them.  Below are two rough sketches i have done to depict goddess’s of Celtic Tradition. They are the image of Ceridwyn Goddess of nature and worshipped mother figure and Morrigan the Celtic Goddess of war and fighting. Again i have used the pen and ink process to get my ideas down quickly and organise negative and positive space.

Below is Morrigan

Scan 4Scan 3

Above is Ceridwyn

I chose these two to try out as when reading and researching about these two Celtic goddess’s it was apparent that they were strong women with power. Each goddess had specific symbols attached to them to make them easier to define between one another. Ceridwyn had the tiny sapling plant and the plant seed emblem to represent her affiliation with nature. Morrigan has the 4 axes’s to represent her fighting spirit.

After brainstorming an idea for each Goddess and drawing out a rough of a possible design it became apparent to me that to just concentrate on Celtic Goddesses wasn’t delving deep enough. Although each goddess in there own right had symbolism attached to them i have decided it is not enough symbolism to create 4 dynamic and powerful and thought provoking final pieces. These rough images though can help me with discovering composition and positive and negative space in my chosen goddesses.

i will be spending this week deciding and researching what Goddesses to focus my designs on.



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