Celtic Goddess From Start To Finish

Here is my Celtic Goddess portrayal from start to finish from initial idea to completed colour artwork.

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Initial A5 ink and pen drawing


Rough outline sketch of Celtic Goddess

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Scanned in finished Pencil sketch ready to colour


Initial first colour session using watercolour paint and inks

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Scanned in finished artwork

I dont usually work in watercolour but in this instance as it was the weekend and access to the studios to purchase lino or print was unavailable i decided to work from home and see what i could create with little materials. Using watercolour was quite a challenge for myself as i am more adept at using acrylic and oil paint. Looking for positives i feel the colours i chose for a Earthy feel was correct and the symbolism isn’t to obvious which is what i like in my artwork.

I do however feel that this piece lacks originality and that my Goddess has a cartoon like quality that i don’t like. I like my work finished and neat but even for me this artwork seems to overworked and not natural enough.

My next step is re working ideas and adding more symbolism and trying to create a more organic and original portrayal of Goddess’s.

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