Celtic Creativity

Putting my Moon Goddess work to one side i decided to read up on the books i purchased from my trip to London. The “Signs and Symbols” book and “An A to Z of Pagan Gods & Goddess’s” book i purchased from Treadwells was my first port of call. In my initial research plan i had stated i was to research all types of different folklore tales and Goddess’s from different cultures and backgrounds. I stated i would research into Celtic Folklore and the Goddess’s surrounding Celtic tradtions.

While looking through the”A to Z of Gods and Goddess’s” book for research i came across the celtic theme i was looking for as shown below.

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Reading up on Aoibheall and how she was a strong Celtic Goddess i decided to jump straight into my mini A5 sketchpad and draw with pen and ink what came to my mind and how i envisioned her.

Scan 140470001I have added some quite obvious symbols such as the Shamrock and as she is the Deity of Earth i added leaves and the shining sunshine behind her.

I wanted to take this drawing further but not have the symbols so obvious. Doing a bit of further reading in my ‘Symbols and Signs” book i discovered some Celtic symbols i could use in my next piece as shown below.


The Celtic Knot symbolising growth and Spiritulism


Another Celtic Knot this time more simple and the largely more recognisable symbol. Again meaning Pagan spirit and strength and wisdom.

Another symbol that came up in my research was the Celtic Serpent.This symbolises rebirth and is usually as a protector to the God or Goddess.


I wanted to include all these symbols in my work and the next stage of the development of portraying a Celtic Goddess.The next stage i will show the process from start to finish of how my idea grew and how it ended up in my next post.

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